
What is a content calendar in Social Media?

A content calendar is one of the important pillars of any online business. You may be wondering “why?” The answer is simple! A content calendar is a way to have posts planned and organized on social media, so that the audience receives content relevant to their interests.

content media calendar




In this article we will talk about:

1. How does a content calendar help you?

2. Who is the target audience?

3. What are the S.M.A.R.T goals of a content calendar?

4. What social networks do we post on?

5. How do we establish the brand identity?








How does a content calendar help you?

With the help of a content calendar, you will establish a process for creating content for social media networks. This way you will have an organized and constant plan, this way you will know when, where and how the content will appear on social media networks.

  • when = the date the content is published
  • where = on which social media platform the content is published
  • how = content format (video, image, text, link)

With the help of a well-organized posting plan, you tell the story of your business, interact with the audience, and reach potential new customers.

A content calendar is not just about pictures, it involves videos, stories, ads, links, hashtags, and text.

The purpose of a content calendar may be to gain online visibility, engagement, or conversions.

Online visibility is measured in: impressions, touches and page views

engagement is measured in: appreciations, comments and distributions

conversions are measured in: clicks, subscriptions, downloads and purchases

Who is the target audience?

Your target audience is the group of people you want to reach your brand message with, because that group of people may be potential customers or interested in your services.

Characteristics of the target audience:

  • demographics: age, sex, location, occupation, education
  • interests: people who have common interests about certain activities, products or services
  • behaviors: people who may share the same activities (eg sports)

The audience is divided into the main audience and the secondary audience.

  • the main audience is the people who have a strong interest in your brand;
  • the secondary audience is the group of people who have characteristics in common with the main audience, such as: age, interests in sports or sports practice.

What are the S.M.A.R.T goals of a content calendar?

When developing a content calendar, its objectives must also be set. The objectives must be S.M.A.R.T:

  • S = specific goal (what to do?)
  • M = measurable (can it be measured?)
  • A = accessible (can it be accessed?)
  • R = relevant (should be done?)
  • T = time (start and end date set)

The brand may have objectives, such as:

  • increasing social media visibility
  • increase sales
  • increasing public interaction
  • increase web page traffic

What social media channels do we post on?

content media calendar

Establishing the right social channels for your audience, which we post, is an important element in your marketing strategy.

In order to establish the channels on which we will publish the content, the following must be established: the objectives, the audience and the type of content that we will publish, depending on these we will also choose the social media channel.

Facebook can help you grow your business. Posts and Stories are some of the formats available on Facebook. You can even create groups and host events to build your own community.

You can share your brand stories on Instagram with photos and videos that you can edit with in-app tools and interactive stories that you can share in real time.

How do we determine the brand identity?

The identity of the tree is determined by several factors, such as: color palette, style, type of communication, but also behavior.

But before the above, the following must be established:

  • presence – who are you and how did your business start?
  • purpose – define what you do and why you do it
  • identity – set by the logo, color palette and fonts used
  • connection – is given by the way your brand will communicate (seriously or funny)

As you can see, a content calendar is quite complex and time consuming, but Social Genie can help! Visit our website and find out more.


We believe the future of social media content is human! Our social genies are a mix of local writers &international marketing experts that work together to offer you the best digital presence! No bots involved, daily posting, consistent approach!

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